of compassion
into mylowly heart.
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By increasing
through a commitmentto be near the Divine,interceding beforethe Blessed Sacrament,acts of service, penanceand sacrifice, unitingin a privileged waywith the suffering,universal humankind of all nations,We become loversof God and neighbour.
God has prepared a good work,
of His people to carry out,to contribute towardsHis greater purpose.Every member of the Bodyof Christ has a partto play in God’sprogressive planof redemption,and He Who startedthe good work in ourlives at salvationis faithful to complete it,until the day of Christ Jesus.
Theology of the Body
an adequateanthropology inwhich the humanbody reveals God.
It is as I submit
leading andgentle guidance,that sin is mortified,and grace is quickened.The more I respondto His graciousleading and gentleguidance the moreI can say, ‘I live,and yet not I,but Christ lives in me’.
Despite repenting
had yet to believein Christ for theforgiveness of their sins,and life everlasting.If salvation is to begained, a man mustsimultaneously turnto Christ as he or sheturns fromthe sinful ways.
The priest admits
things we simplycannot understand.Why God wouldallow a child todie such a terribledeath cannotbe explained,he admits.Our inabilityto explain suchthings leaves uswith a radical decision:‘We must believeeverything ordeny everything.’One must say Yesor No to the Godof Christian faith.(Refering to the NovelPlague of Albert Camus)
into my lowly heart.
My heart lives and breathes
in the garden of harmony.
I see love moving into my heart
to touch the depths of my heart.
This is a moment of heavenly bliss.
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Culture tells us to move past
Take a few days,weeks perhaps, to grieve,but don’t stay there too long.Grieving can make thosearound us uncomfortable.Friends sometimes don’tknow what to do with our pain.Loved ones struggle to findadequate words tocomfort our aching wounds.„The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be…
If we want to know
and like to commune with,and dalliance therewith,we haveto seekin our Lord God,in whom it is enclosed.
Christ is the shining
enlightens thedarkened soul of man.He is that gentleLight, that pourswarmth intothe chilledhuman breast.
The illusionary self paralyzes man
He is his own worst enemy.Dissolution of the false selfis the answer to most problems.Man is an exile in a worldof objects, each one capableof deluding and enslaving him.Man is held captivein the complexand painful networkof loves and hatreds, desiresand fears, lies and excuses.(Graphic: Exile — Film Festival One World)
The Self is a real experience.
far removed from the real life.Itis as close to you as your breath.The self is the source of love.The self is secure in peace and tranquility.
When you create
for yourself,slowly God willprovide you withall that is necessaryto go forward.Determinationand definite actionwith joy in your mindand a small prayerare thenecessarytoolsto succeed.