he called his home.
The land that could feed him
when hunger gripped him.
Shelter him in times
of coming storms.
For his part in this concept,
he was to look after Mother Earth.
It gave him food and shelter
and he would never scar it.
It was not his land to own
as he would a pair of boots.
New strangers came
and called the land their own,
but they did not own it.
The land was there for all to share,
and if they looked after it,
the land would be there
for every tomorrow’s sun.
24 May 2008

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The though stops our breathe
The ideas send shiver
It creates terror
But it is reality
And prevails among community
In any religion
Some belief prevails in regions
We can’t do away
Or run away
From certain happenings
Lots of things to think and bring in mind
Fear not
We are only caught
Forgetting one natural fact
Death is reality and natural act
No one has escaped
And no one may be spared too
So it is one kind of shock
That always sends fear and rocks

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