was at work in the
early days and
it continues to be
manifested today.
However, then as now,
evil and lawlessness
is currently being
held back and
by the One
Who restrains evil,
the Holy Spirit.
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‘Lord, give me a soul
who knows no grumblingno sighing and complaining,and don’t let thatI worry too muchabout this somethingthat spreads so widelyand calls himself ‘I’. ‘(A quote from a young preacherwho died in Francein the First World War,when he was only 19 years old) .
He had come
eyes to the truth.He had cometo enlighten them,and show themthe way of salvation,but their heartswere hardenedto the incarnateWord of God.(Refering to the Gospeltext in which Christsaves the womancaught in adultery.)
Consciousness is something
anywhere anytime.For example, if you’re readingas you are now, you can beginby just becoming awareof reading these words.Start then to become awareof your own breathing, andof your body sitting in the chair.Next, become aware ofthe various sounds youcan hear around you.Look around and perceivethe light and colours ofthe things you can see.Practice regularly tobe aware…
God is not bound
to give what is not dueto our human nature.For God to directlybridge the knowledge gapand entirely precludethe possibility of doubtwould be for himto give us somethingthat is above ournatures as humans.
Nohuman mind can
enormity of suchtremendous promises,given to a sinfuland rebellious raceof fallen creatures,who are estrangedfrom their Creator,who is eternally perfectand unchangingly holy.
17. I am the father and mother
and its grandfather too;I am its entire support.I am the sum of all knowledge,the purifier, the syllable Om;I am the sacred scriptures,the Rig, Yajur, and Sama Vedas.(Quotes fom the great Hindu spieitual classic Bhgavat Gita)
already well established
in the early days,
and lawlessness
continues to work
its poison into the
fabric of today’s
modern society.
it is largely hidden
by governments,
nations, communities,
and individuals
under a veiled
pretense of a
shrouded morality.
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Our search shall be covered
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The mystic’s outlook,
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