Neither is it to me a treatment under psychotherapy
The reason is obvious that i am not a patient
Nor am I a doctor to cure your all ills
Nor sign I an agreement with people to make them happy
Or entertain them while inside I bleed
The reason is obvious that I am not a contractor of fun
Rather I am a dealer
And have signed a deal with myself
To be always in conversation with my alter ego
To claim things
To reflect upon the concept I conceive
And consequently to throw them up into the cosmos
Where in due time I suppose to travel
But before being a dealer
I prefer to be a gambler
As I always in gamble with my mind.
Neither is it to me a treatment under psychotherapy
The reason is obvious that I am not a patient
Nor am I a doctor to cure your all ills
Nor sign I an agreement with people to make them happy
Or entertain them while inside I bleed
The reason is obvious that I am not a contractor of fun
Rather I am a dealer
And have signed a deal with myself
To be always in conversation with my alter ego
To claim things
To reflect upon the concept I conceive
And consequently to throw them up into the cosmos
Where in due time I suppose to travel
But before being a dealer
I prefer to be a gambler
As I always in a gamble with my mind.