Through Duhallow to Mallow it journeys on down
To flow into salt water by old Youghal Town.
The Seasons they come and the Seasons they go
And in Spring the birds sing on the leafy hedgerow
And young life ages and into old age grow
But the river forever to the great ocean flow.
The Land i was raised in from me far away
But in fancy i see the old fields every day
The wood by the mountain i do visualize
And the song of the chaffinch i can memorize.
In distant Duhallow when i was a boy
The beauty of Nature i used to enjoy
But on looking back that seems a long time ago
And of Nature’s ways so little i know that i know.
In fancy i walk in the old fields again
And i hear the birds sing in the wind and the rain
Where the river flows to the great ocean shore
Under the bridge of the road to Rathmore.

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