Of this to come.
More than you may welcome.
More to deliver…
Than the total sum,
Of those who bring none!
And when you wish it to be done…
More of this awaits.
Either satisfy or deny your appetities.
Pile this upon your mental plates!
Some of it will be spicey to taste…
Leaving not a dropp of it to resist.
Or disappear with the infighting…
Over who gets the last crumb!
There is more!
Much much more,
Of this to come.
More of this is in the oven.
Prepared to dish…
For those who chanced,
To feast and sit!
Digesting it and not thinking at all…
Why they are not getting sick of it!
And the chef delights,
Observing what is being served…
First nibbled to munch,
To addict those who lick!
Those who sat,
Receiving in disbelief.
As each morsel of this is eaten…
And devoured undisturbed.

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