common source
in the quest for
meaning which
has always compelled
the human heart.
In fact, the answer
given to these
questions decides
the direction
which people
seek to give
to their lives.
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feeling guilty.But that’s justthe beginning.I miss myworkout. Guilt.My mother calls.When I answer,she says, ‘Oh,I thought you wouldbe working by now.’She is right.I thought I would too,but I am late! Guilt.
For most of us,
a life withoutlacking isunimaginablebecause we livein a world soobviously fullof lacking,lacking in kindnessfairness, andcompassion.All these virtuesare so precious.
Mama told me,
that all mouths areyour brothers and sisters.You can’t put somethingin your mouth without givingsomething to someonewho is hungry and thirsty.Even in the hardship of poverty,she formed us in actionsof solidarity that meantcharity in Jesus Christ.
When I am happy
it will not last.some misfortune will come.When I am unhappyI tell myselfit will not last.Happiness is on my way.
If I am not fully free,
I hope, will free meturning to Himdaily and often,preferringHis will andHis mysteryto everythingthat isevidentlyand tangibly mine.
Love can give
for this behavior,but often onlyas long as lovemeets reciprocal love.Pure selflessnessis very rare inour structure ofsociety, whichencourages performanceand competitiveness.