One who puts
his strength
and rely on
the hands of God
will soar on.
It is faith
in God and in
oneself that
lifts you up
to the mighty
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computerbraincannot poseproblems to itself.It has noimaginationand cannotset goalsfor itself.
The emotional
can build upover time,and if you needan unshakable peace,you have to learn tosilence the worldaround you.Then you will finda way to returnto your happycenter in you,no matterwhat effortit takes.
Among the resources
knowledge of truthis philosophy,which is directlyconcerned withasking the questionof life’s meaningand sketching ananswer to it.
O God
O Godhave mercy on me.My eyes, my ears,my nose, my mouth,my hands, my legsfeel always guiltyin the path oflacking of You.Every limb of my bodyundergoes bitter suffering.Wherever I gowhenever I movesleeping and awakeningif Your presenceis not felt in my limbswill i go numb.O Godcome, come to mepour on methe rain of Your mercy.I am thirsty…
Christians areto excel
while being unpracticed,and even naive,in the thingsthat are evil.He was only tooaware that therewere false teachersand demonic doctrinesinfiltrating theChristian Church,which were designedto deceive the elect,divide the flock,and to shipwrecktheir faith, and soPaul encouragedthem to be wisein respect to thatwhich is good,while being guilelessin respect tothat which is evil.
As children of God
the enemy of oursoul, through faithThe Holy Spirit ofGoddwells inour mortal frameand empowers uswith His grace andsufficient strength.Greater is HEthan the defeatedenemy of our soul,who is in the world.