one in the right hand and the other in left,
my right hand painted bitter facts of life
and the left painted fantasies and dreams,
as there was only one canvas,
the painting became wide open for the viewers.
Love how naughty you are!
Like a beautiful girl of sweet sixteen,
you always shew fantasies and dreams to my heart.
Now I am an old man but you still play with me,
Though nature of fantasies and dreams have now changed
and now when I see beauty of a lovely painting
two old constructions, on a green grassy land,
flowers making it colorful,
and birds flying in the sky,
the painting appeared to my heart,
two warships of a fighting nation,
having realized how much destructive will be a war,
are hugging and kissing each other,
and the blackish brown elevated constructions,
look like missiles with nuclear warheads,
the green grassy land looked a sea to me
and the birds as fighter air crafts,
the flowers appeared soldiers of two fighting infantry,
exchanging bouquet of flowers with each other.
That was fear of a destructive war approaching closer and closer.
But the left hand not sitting idle,
performed its work nicely,
it blended the painting with rainbow of love,
and my heart is now dreaming,
these are two ancient lovers,
who remained in love for more than thousand years,
the cruel hatred changed their faces,
but their love was not dead,
they are friends once again,
the fighting troops are changed again in flowers,
the fighter air crafts in the beautiful flying birds,
the missiles in green trees,
the violent sea in a grassy land,
and hatred in love.
(An impulsive reaction on Kathrine Guilfoyle Mulligan’s painting, Me Myself And I, having watched photo of a painting by her)

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