You took brightness of her eyes,
Pink color from her cheeks,
And the roses of her lips,
Her silk from the skin,
All her exciting charms,
You took all her wealth,
Her beauty and health,
Her nice temperament,
The peace she had,
Hysterical is now,
Seldom smiles,
But the love,
Her love for me,
And for the children,
And The Grand Children,
And my love for her!
Like the pearls and diamonds,
Like the roses and Jasmines,
Like moonlit nights,
Like the fragrance of the soil,
After mild lovely showers,
Colorful like rainbows,
Withstanding the sunlight,
Tides and storms,
You can’t steal,
Our love is so safe,
It lives in the hearts,
Very deep inside,
It’s neighbor of the God,
Take it if you can!
You are a failure as a robber! !
Really you are time?
Or I am talking with an illusion,
Someone whispered from my heart,
Time has not born yet,
When the time will born,
She will come smiling,
With her silky hairs,
With her moon like face,
With starry eyes,
With the rosy cheeks,
With the petals of lips,
And a charming body,
And you the cheater in disguise,
You will come as a horse,
With beauty of wings,
We shall ride at your back,
We shall kiss each other,
And embrace each other,
And the helpless flying horse,
No alternate for you,
You shall fly and fly,
On The Milky Ways! !

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