This letter is to enrich your soul.
To be very kind, considerate and attractive!
This poem is to tell you how much i do care;
Like the emotions of my past in the wilderness.
Bounded is the sweet smell of your love,
And i am still the only one you need on this love;
Like the Great Himalayan Rahae to the tip of Africa!
Life is like that and i still love you,
So do wipe away your tears for i do care for you;
Like life in Astrakhan, Yogyakarta, Helsinki or Edinburgh.
I am still the one to share your tender love with,
So come and let me show you how real love does feel like;
Because, your love and your nakedness are all over me.
You are like the sweet apple never tasted before,
You are still the very attractive love along the line;
So come and let me show you the way with,
The talent of love so sweet to experience.

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