in your silent moments.
In your meditation
you see it and desire
for it intensely.
Work hard for your dreams.
You are going to get it
with the help of God
if all your wishes are good.
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I can do all things
strengthens me.Fear not,for I am with you;be not dismayed,for I am your God;I will strengthen you,I will help you,I will uphold youwith my righteousright hand.(Reference toSt. Paul’s letter toPhilippians 4: 13and Isaiah 41: 10in theHoly Bible)
God provides food
The fatherlessand the widows,God sustains andthwarts the wayof the wickedand oppressors.Lord God gives sightto the totally blind.God is a just Godto the oppressed.God is kindproviding meansto secure justice.The captives who aremade to be in the prisonsunjustly, he sets free.God inspireshuman beingsto work for freedom.Those who are bowed downbecause of shameAlmighty God raises up.
Since we are the
must becomethe sons of God.As we grow inour understandingof this identity,we are able tobring our strengthrather than ourneed for validationto the world.We become thekind of personwho can prevailin any circumstance,and we recoverdeep and lasting joy.
duality becausethe object ofmeditation (the ‘I’)is ultimately revealedas the Subject itself.This is known astranspersonal Consciousness.
It is no accident
in these times and thatwe find ourselves togetherunited in desire and purpose.Dowhatever you canto make beautifuland whole, what is broken.All hunger for goodness,truth, beauty and life.You see souls in needof the living water.You see God Almightyin the face of the young,the poor, the spiritually thirsty.Do you want tosatiate them?
There is no circumstance
did not know, forHe knew you beforeyou were conceived.Nothing you do surprisesor startles the Lord.He knows every step.He knows the difficultsituations you face,and He uses eachcircumstance in Hissanctifying processas you yield to Him,and as you allowChrist to be formed in you.