With the baby
Live and let live
With her
Is the diabolical slogan
She will never come
You share
Or distribute
The natural
Among them all.

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In white
In yellow.
Hop, hop, hop life
All day and nights
With the sun and
The moon.
No hate but love,
Life move on.
Beyond evening
Beyond morning
Dear life move and
Move on and on.
Wonder not,
Wonderful, though,
Life and living dear.
Is life a printed letter?
No, no, not at all
And I said never.
Name and game
All one and the same
Dear men, waste not
Time here in another’s shade.
Remember, life is
All independent
All sovereign
All separate
With its uniqueness.

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Our day to day
Living, okay.
Provide rice, dal
At least and
Provide employment.
We want to do
Something for others.
Make us understand
In our language
What you are
Going to do
For us.
Ridicule not,
Give us importance
And emphasize
Our presence.

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Unity in variety.
All truth,
And the expansion of the truth.
All variegated,
All relevant, all fact,
All eternal.

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