We are here to serve…
As observers.
For a purpose to gather information.
And to resist temptation.
No one is ‘exclusive’.
We are all inclusive.
Although some become seduced.
By the ‘illusion’ to use and abuse.
But this Earth we take for granted…
Should not be slighted.
To enhance blight!
Or incite racial fights to divide.
To conquer over others.
And to reduce them to limitations…
To control at their disadvantage!
We are not of this Earth.
Just to leech and feed our greed.
We are here to serve…
As observers.
For a purpose to gather information.
And to resist temptation.
That ultimately increases,
Suffering and the affects…
Of complete and total devastation.
That a chaos breeds,
And leads to a demise…
Coming to us next!

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