Towards our home, sweet home
We are marching with prayer to God,
Our evening worship is going on.
We are hearing the bell of the temple,
We are chanting name of God,
We are staying here beside temple,
Priest has given us our evening meal,
We are going to nest taking rest!
Best is the path and the best is row,
We are disciplined birds we swim,
Whole day we spend in pond,
Leaving dirt and water away,
We drink pure milk from water.
Swinging in time’s lap we swim,
In wisdom of God we are marching,
We are marching for his wisdom,
God is all in all, our father,
We love him very much, much we love,
We are going to attend evening prayer,
In the core heart of middle of temple,
Watching the dazzling lotus feet of God,
We shall offer him pure garland of lotus
Which we have brought up from pond we swim,
Our God will be pleased,
Then we shall take rest today!
Tomorrow’s sunrise is waiting for us,
We shall behold golden pearls tomorrow,
Today we pray for the best day ahead,
We are now marching for wisdom of God!
© Kumarmani Mahakul,11 October 2020. All rights reserved.

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