is as long as
we want, but
it is a process
that takes time
for most.
When betrayal and
inhibit our ability
to forgive,
it is normal
to feel those feelings.
Shock and anger
often comes
before forgiveness.
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exercise regularlyto remain healthy.Your deeds shall bevirtuousperformed withintelligence.It naturally bringsa lot of wealth.Earn the wealthto help the needyand the poor.Find Your joyof life in it.
For those who are
very painful forthem to partwith it becauseit is their God.Those who havelittle will alwaysbe more thanwilling to sharewith those whohave less thanthey have, becausethey know whatit is like tohave nothing.(Written from thecomments of the great poetess Marie Shine of Listowel, Ireland)
Getting to grips
and negativeemotions canhelp us tonavigate allkinds of situationsin a balanced way.Understandinghow our emotionsimpact us,those around us,and how weinteract withour social worldrequires the skillof Emotional Regulation
You are not a person
It is a wrong idea.Change it.You are bornTo be successful.
Free in heaven
shifting form,always movingthrough the expanseof infinite space.It is wisdom,timeless wisdom.
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one dramatic storyto another.There wastransition timebetweenthose demandsTime to processwhat had happened;time to catch theirbreath before thenext encounter.That was the paceJesus felt wasreasonable forpeople engagedin important thingsand wanting alife with God.