We have named you as Solomon,
In Hebrew text you dwell well.
We remembered today with eagerness
To son of David and Bathsheba,
Who succeeded his father as king,
King of Israel he became we knew,
He wrote the lovely Proverbs,
He wrote Ecclesiastes and also
He wrote Song of Solomon,
We sung the song and you also sung.
Writing your pretty crescent smile,
Oh dear Solomon, you recompense,
You incline above avoiding conflict,
You are very perfect and peaceable,
We claim your birth for peace and joy
Offering our prayer before God,
For your brightness we glorify father.
Inheriting values of eternal love,
You dazzle like a star dazzles in sky,
We know you are also messenger of peace
And messenger of universal brotherhood,
Dedicating your life in oblation of God,
With white angels you truly meditate,
On mount you chant eternal God’s name,
Getting success and knowing life,
You spend every precious moment
In service of God for transformation,
Oh dear Solomon, my cute male poem,
You will be victorious king of peace.
© Kumarmani Mahakul,23 September 2018. All rights reserved.

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