….on the earth…
demand fairness,
equality, shared dignity,
and a just dispersion
of all needed goods….
having the desire
and the fortitude
to work and to give
as readily as we take!
believing that all life is sacred,
and should be treated as such!
and that the only true success
feeds every hungry mouth!
daring to respect each other,
and so be respected!

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By nonsense competitions.
Especially those that come to leadership.
If any wishes to acknowledge who is winning
Anything pertaining to the quality of one’s life lived…
Needs only to be more observant.
And if that does not satisfy…
One needs only to contact those owed.
They will be quick to tell anyone,
Whose debts have yet been paid!
And give names.
They tell who leads,
In the repayment department.
The one who eats and feeds without concern…
Of receiving aggravating telephone calls,
From creditors.
Is the one who leads!

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