Have suddenly put on the brakes!
The fuel that assisted…
This bustle rushed with hope,
Has stopped many in their tracks…
As they receive the facts,
Of an impending big payback!
With hallucinating dreams…
That begin to clamp them in traps!
So it seems for them to be like that.
What a difference reality makes.
It had been easy to ignore,
The needs of those labelled poor.
Those hungry and homeless,
The greedy chose not to see…
Are now quite vivid reminders,
As eyes of those who chose to close them…
Now view this ‘picture’ with such clarity!
What a difference reality makes,
When the pain of others…
Descends without an escape.
And all that it took…
Was a look that was forced.
By the confronting of delusions…
On a misguided course introducing remorse.
And those chasing rainbows,
With a goal to hoard all the gold…
Now see themselves,
More foolish than anyone else.
And those they crushed with disrespect…
Walk over them who crawl bawling,
With a pride and dignity they always kept!
What a difference reality makes…
When respect for others,
Reveals a satisfaction…
Shown and brightened,
On a happy face that is not faked!
What a difference it makes…
When those are shakened from a sleep,
That awakes!
And that is the difference ‘awakening’ takes!

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