Sentimental sans high knowledge
Certainly makes one so in life…..!
Such a person speaks much when
In good mood but otherwise keeps
One’s face stiff and mum minding
Only works of her own jurisdiction!
Others have to keep doing things
In such a way that she has to get
Relived from her tension built up
For sometime making her unsteady!
Like a lunatic or hysterical character
She becomes when she is out of mood!
Convincing her and bringing her to
Normal and happy mood is great task!
A family of such a character is always
In excitement and anxiety, if they all
Listen to her talks and watch matters
Happening around their area sure…!
Contrarily all things go on smoothly
Unlike the expectations of the hysterical
one’s family and when everything goes
On well, they all laugh and forget all…!

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