Why are those professing to be christians,
Turning away with self righteous backs?
And why are they quick to criticize…
With demoralizing practiced acts?
Something is not ‘clicking’
To connect with knowledge known!
Something is disturbing…
About the flow that keeps this growing.
And analysts repeat statistics as if none of this is showing!
Shoppers at the malls could care less of current events.
As television broadcasts sports…
As if this is the world condensed!
To make a buck to keep people seduced,
And suckered up!
Paparazzi making ‘stars’ out of those with lacking talent!
Catching minds entertained off guard…
While those in charge are clearly out of tune,
Taking sides to what is apparently off balance!
And those people convinced they are Jesus’ decendents,
Are proving a dementia from all perspectives!
As more of this voraciousness spirals…
In an avoidance as if none of this exists!
What episodes of this has not been read?
What challenges were missed and have not been fed?
Why are those professing to be christians,
Turning away with self righteous backs?
And why are they quick to criticize…
With demoralizing practiced acts?
Large doses of medications must be passed…
Slipped quickly in a method,
That keeps this mental trash.
Making this ‘not’ a sickness but unresisted bliss,
To last!
As new fads expose bare asses of those…
In chapters of a morality,
Enforced and inflicted upon the world.
Men. Women. Boys and Girls.
Since all of this is foolishness…
Resulting in stupidness conducted,
As to ‘who’ will control the oil…
To raise the prices for the use of natural gas,
Sucked from the soil of foreign lands.
To grease the palms of just a few greedy hands!
‘Intentional Inflictions…’
Makes for them a life that’s grand!

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