But my mind was clear and white like a page
I did not know well the world
And life
But knew the leaves are green
In between the petals of my sweet name
I hold values of chastity and virginity of innocence
And utter words with much cautions
And talk only truth
But when I grow older and become a man
Outwardly I am looked too sober
Inwardly very wicked and clever
As my mind is being filled with ink
Darker and darker I become with information and dry knowledge
Promptly I learn
What is loss and what is profit
And quickly find ways of short cut
Instead of believing in sweet taste of hard work
I start believing in fluke
Lured with glitter
Possessed with lust and greed
I completely become blind of substance
Always calculating which way is more beneficial
More crook
In love, relations and politics
Struggle teaches but I did not learn life by truth or experience
Instead my world is bought with sweet flower of lies
Involves in swindling, bribery and corruption
I am too frustrated
I do not want to grow anymore and give me back my childhood life.

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