You love it
As you love your child
Or more than that
You got the fruits
Of your diligent, too
Sun flower
Roses and jasmine
A scent of beauty
The sound of sight
The sun played
You had a feast on sweet breeze
A lot of bees
Along with colorful butterflies
Went to decorate
And sing the song sweet
The smooth feeling
Of the soft thought and touch
You had all
In one or one in all
That is delight
The joy of your life
As young or grown up
You had got enough
Now the tide recedes
You walk through the ebb
The sight blurs
The other organs start
to tell you the truth
here in this ocean
in this garden
will be no tide
no new flower to blossom
the spring has gone
to the distant south
riding on the wings of the wind
they say
the garden is under the grip
of an irreversible storm
broken boughs
heavy heart
and loose skin
I can not walk way
here I once lived a life
in this garden
thousand flowers bloomed
and it gave me
what I needed
and what the matter most is
it gave me what I have now
and to me that is all

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