of unreality,
the Sages declare
that he destroys
himself; because
he who clings to
the perishable
body and regards
it as his true Self
must experience
death many times.’
(Paramananda, The Upanishads)
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The love for my
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To:Dr.tony BrahminDate Time:10/17/2018 10: 29: 00 AM (GMT -6: 00)Subject:Re: Dear Poet MetinDÜNYAYA GELMEDEN KATLEDİLEN -BEBEGİN FERYADIWRITTEN BY….Dr.ANTHONY THEODORE…: : TURKISH TRANSLATION Metin şŞAHİNben senin sevgili yavrun..bebegin degil miydim ana…bil ki ben kendğimden gelmedim sanatanrının melekleritaa ulvi göklerden kanatlarını açarak geldi yanınave o kutsal rahmişne yerleştirdi beniben sana kendiligimden gelmemiştim anabunu yüce tanrı istediçok mutluydum…
Through philosophy’s
to speculatewhich is properto the human intellectproduces a rigorousmode of thought;and then in turn,through the logicalcoherence of theaffirmations madeand the organicunity of their content,it produces asystematic bodyof knowledge.
A poet shouldenter
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A real love union
There is an invisible stringthat connects and bindsthe two in inseparable love.Pray for this harmoniouselixir when you fall in love.
of unreality,
the Sages declare
that he destroys
himself; because
he who clings to
the perishable
body and regards
it as his true Self
must experience
death many times.’
(Paramananda, The Upanishads)
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