Though you came back at last,
Why do come in a working day?
Please go back,
May I suggest as to where you should go,
Go to the hot and burning sun,
Disguise yourself as thick black clouds,
Wrap the sun,
Hide him somewhere,
Within your round and milky arms,
Kiss your arms and ignite the lips,
Make your lips fine fireworks,
Or cool the sun,
Within your bosom,
Take all its heat,
Make your bosom a valley of melting tangerines,
Keep the sun as a prisoner of love,
Anywhere in you,
Within fences of wires,
Wherein a current of thousands volts,
Will constrain the sun to reflect a light,
Travelling from feet to the lovely face,
Cooling down for the moon near the clouds,
Turn the day in a moonlit night,
And when you’re turned in a night sky,
Eyebrows turn in in the flying night birds,
And the eyes turn in shining stars,
Braiding of hair in the Milky Way,
With diamonds peeping out,
From the soft pink rose,
The golden necklace,
Turning naughty below neck,
And the bangles playing,
The pleasing tunes,
Then, you should come as awaited beloved,
Tonight, I shall rob all pleasures you have.
For the last few nights,
I could not sleep,
I cannot afford a sleepless night,
Anymore, yes anymore,
My sleep! Please come to me,
Tonight as a lovely maiden bride!
It’s a weekend night,
I shall keep you with me for the whole next day.

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where have you gone?
are you lost in the tears
of a thousand faces
blackened by hunger?
in the cries of the dying?
of the homeless?
in the defiant feet
of those standing in line?
the unemployment line?
the soup line?
the line just outside
the prison walls?
in the lover left desperate,
who takes his own life?
in the students beaten,
who stood up for freedom?
in the young man hated,
for the color of his skin?
in the young woman sold
on the lonesome street corner?
in the windowless offices
where lives and deaths are decided?
in the hole behind the gun,
eyes hard as steel?
in the bare apartment,
where the children are cold and hungry?
on the corner, ‘neath the bridge,
in the back of the car?
where have you gone,
o my soul…
where have you gone?

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