When did the
creation happen?
No one knows.
Who cansurvey
the creation
from the lofty skies?
Can a human being do it?
None shall be able.
anything for certain?
No human being.
Even then, our Ego
claims full knowledge.
It is the greatest
irony of the Ego.
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Despite being
king, David hadmany enemiesand was oftenin great danger.Not only didthe jealous KingSaul seek to takehis life, but Davidwas also in dangerfrom the Philistinesand other enemiesthat surrounded Israel.
By increasing
through a commitmentto be near the Divine,interceding beforethe Blessed Sacrament,acts of service, penanceand sacrifice, unitingin a privileged waywith the suffering,universal humankind of all nations,We become loversof God and neighbour.
Jenson seems
notable theologianof the Twentieth Century.Even though hedoes not havethe prominenceof Karl Barth,the subject of hisown doctoral research,gives us a decisivethinking and relevanceto Christian lifeand thought.
of a polytheism ofvalues, a terrain ofwarring gods orirreduciblesubjective opinion,likes and preferences.Modernity cangenerateits own morality.But moralities in thepluralcannotoffer good reasonsto take its moraltheories seriously.
Jesus describes himself
Meekness is not weaknessin the negative sense.It is weakness in the positive sense,being under the handand voice and will of Another,heeding the voice of The Almighty.He was meek for you and for me,fully trusting God’s promises,fully obeying God’s will.He is the one in whoseimage we are to become.(From the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus)
Some see the Divine as a Transcendent Life
There is a spiritual seed within themby whose development,one, moving to higher levels of characterand consciousness, attains his end.They will see the mystic lifeas involving inward changerather than an outgoing search.Transformation of the Beingor Regeneration are the watchwords here.
When did thecreation happen?
No one knows.
Who cansurvey the creation
from the lofty skies?
Can a human being do it?
None shall be able.
anything for certain?
No human being.
Even then, our Ego
claims full knowledge.
It is the greatest
irony of the Ego.
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But have nothing
fables fit onlyfor old women.On the other hand,discipline yourselffor the purposeof godliness;for bodily disciplineis only of little profit,but godliness isprofitable forall things, sinceit holds promisefor the present lifeand also forthe life to come.(Ref. to the first letterof Paul to Timothy 4: 7-8in the New Testament) .
I want to go to
It is going home.I want to lose myselfin mystical contemplation,in ecstatic faith.My home is the abode ofspiritual enlightenment.
I work on the enlightening of my self.
True enlightening comes only from God.God has no religion and no dogmas.God is love and love alone.That is my consolation.Get away from the problems of religions.Live in the religion of loveand spread it all around the world.It is your poetic call.It is a divine call.
his sacrificeon the crosswas the missionof Jesus Christ.His forerunner,John the Baptist,came in the spiritand power of Elijah,to call the nationto repentance andprepare the nationof Israel for theKingdom of Heaven.But the Jews rejectedboth John and Jesus.
Scripture gives
the crimes ofEdom, and pinpointstheir destruction,which will take placeon the mountains of Esau.He uses ‘Edom’and ‘Esau’ as apicture of Hisjudgement on ALLthe ungodly gentilenations of the world,and on those whoreject God’s Wordand abuse His people.
Using reason
passions,the humanbeing achievesa self-masteryand, in the process,makes a positivecontribution topromoting thestability of thecommunity.