You may as well laugh as be tearful for laughter on one eases the mental strain
You laugh and the whole World laughs with you the truth in that with us remain,
Worrying it can give you cancer and from worry stress you will gain
And worrying it can give you ulcers and make you feel sick in the brain
If you feel depressed and quite moody and you are afflicted by woe
Even your mates will try to avoid you and you they do not wish to know
For they no doubt have their own problems and they have their own crosses to bear
And in their life they need some laughter for to lighten their burden of care
One like you only helps to remind them how hard and how tough life can be
We need happy people around us and we like those who laugh easily
And worrying will not solve your problems only increase them twofold
And worrying will cause you more worry and worrying will make you feel old.

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