And I lost million dollars
As I do not do
What I used to do for earning
Or what I could have been done easily
In my mind yet there is a doubt
What I am writing
Is it poetry?
If not yet they become
After some good practice
There is a hope one day they will be
Think in another way
If I stop today
Will there be any poetry written by me? ,
So I need to continue
Continuously I need support
Lifting backing or pumping to inflate
My deflated balloon
But things do not happen as you desire
Or as you plan
One day a shameful incident happened
As we usually introduce our poems
On sites and blogs – -the same way I introduced my poem
But suppose to be an expert
Made such a harsh comment
That in my mind crept up a doubt
And my writing is not poetry
And I am not a poet
But does he know poetry?
To check his ability I had gone for an experiment
I post the best poem of my favorite poetess Emily Dickinson
On which renowned critics have written volumes
But that fellow again
In the same way in the same tone said
‘’ This is not poetry ‘’
Knowing this my pleasure knows no bounds
Because of that I am a poet
And he does not know poetry.

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