This may continue till the end of the universe
We only have to rejoice and not to curse
It is unique way of feeling the pulse
All the negative ideas are to be repulsed
The need to know it more must be realized
It is essential that all facts are truly analysed
The nature and environment may remain same
The natural calamities and dissasters can’t be blamed
It is part of negative cycle that repeats
We can never claim or remain upbeats
Who can tell us how these cecelstial bodies came into being?
How do they hang without any axis for all changes to bring?
They donot take orders from anybody to act
This has remained central point of fact
We have to align with these foeces and carve out the way
It may help us to be closer then drawing away
The secrets are stilll not known to the world
Many things have yet to come out and unfold
If we are eco-friendly and kind
The nature can’t remain unkind
We must take corrective steps to fall in line
Everything will move smoothly and very fine

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