Love is your natural state.
Hatred and evil
are from the powers
of darkness
who likes to devour you.
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The concept of the future
is affirmed in scriptural texts.It will occur at the timeof the Lord’s ‘coming’.(1st Letter of St. Paulto Corinthians.15: 23) .‘Then comes the end,when he shall deliverthe kingdom to God…’ (v.24) .
Because consciousness
part of us, not only canwe see physical stuffmore clearly, but we canalso perceive thingsthat are non-physical too.(These are the positions many takein such a discussion about awarenessand consciousness. We may agree ordisagree with it. It takes us to a world ofthinking.)
My noble supplication
is my prayer.I lift up my handsand eyes and heartto pray to give methe strength to perseverein good deeds in thismaterialistic world.Materialism kills all the beautyof the soul and mind and heart.
It is a restful gaze,
of some object of the mind,a beholding that ispossible only becausethe intellectual laborof the previous stageshas been completed.What is Plato getting at?It is not so much thathe is simply advocatinga method of investigationor discovery.It is not, that is,as if he is saying,‘If you want to grow inyour knowledge,then you shouldimplement this method.’
God is the pure essence.
God alone creates love.i adore my God aboveevery one and everything else.This is an adoration of loveand total commitment.
If rejection comes
then the senseof rejection isall consuming,more painfulthan the pangsof hunger whichassail the bodyas it assails the mind.Outside of thattype of rejection,rejection fromothers pales intoinsignificance.We can use it tobecome self reliant,depending onnobody for anything.It can make usstronger than we are.(Written from thecomments of the great poetess Marie Shine of Listowel, Ireland)
Love is your natural state.
Hatred and evil
are from the powers
of darkness
who likes to
devour you.
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By the solemn forty days
unites herself each yearto the mystery of Jesusin the desert.The Church has beenfasting for 2,000 years.The legitimacy and moralauthority of fastingspeaks for itself.(The Christians fast and do penance during40 days as a preparation for the way of the Crossof Jesus Christ and His Resurrection.Jesus spent 40 days of fasting and prayerin the desert.)
The outgoing quest is expressed in
it appears in the mysticalliterature undertwo different aspects.One symbol is the searchfor the hidden treasurewhich desires to be foundand the other is a long hard journeytowards a known and definite goal.(Dante’s Divine Comedy is considered as a faithful and detailed description of the Mystic Way) .Graphic: a_morning_pilgrimage_by_ninjatic-d6f8ecc
of the ground orbasic consciousness,which has a global,general knowledgethat the world isthere and that I exist.
Just as in a dream
and a king becomes a beggaror a leper becomesthe lord of paradise,but waking up he fallsinto real lifeand understandthe illusion and delusionof human life.It is only when truediscernment dawns,the illusion and delusionwill all disappear.So it is true wisdomif you devote yourselfto God and do onlyworks of love, pleasingthe Lord of the universe.
Paul did not glory
appointment butpointed us to Christ.May the testimonyof our own livesglorify God andnot ourselves.May we live, lives thatpoint others to Christand not to ourselvesso that others maysee that our salvationis by God’s graceand not our own meritand glorify ourFather in heaven.
All the symbols and forms have their
in the world of the pure being.Art and mysticism attain it directlyfrom this world of pure being.Th poet expresses the inexpressiblein extraordinary combinationsof images, words, word-combinationssymbols, structures, phrases, and ideas.He creates a new wonder for the worldto ponder on God, humans, and nature.