You are soul and spirit.
May you and I continue
To love one another
Genuinely and
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Beyond all dualities,
no inside.No Subject,no object.Words fail.When we become onewith the Self,where did the Self go?There is no duality anymore.(Hinduism and Buddhism speaks of it,also the Christian mystics) .
The mystic’s concern with death
The paradox that in a love-relationship,a letting go, a surrender,a ‘death’ to the self-contained,autonomous ego-selfis indispensable is a factof experience whichany lover knows,who has tasted somethingof the riches of friendship.
Personal development
and transformationalmental tool.You should havethe inner motivationto follow it through.It is a lifelong process.After facing variouschallenges in life,self-developmentcan be so powerfulthat it will make outof you a great personand change you for life.
We shall argue for
whilst making itclear that suchuniversalism isnot abstract andempty but isconstituted byparticular fidelitiesand constancies.
In terrific moments
spring becomeswinter, blue turnsto gray, birds gosilent, and the chillof sorrow settles in.It’s cold in thevalley of theshadow of death.
Human life
valued andconsidered as sacredand God-given.Due to theseattitudestowards thesanctity of life,Jews believe thatonly God cangive life,and only Godshould takelife away.