A portrait of yours,
The dots and circles forming,
Impressions coming and going,
My impressions of yours.
Smile please, when say I,
You smile,
But giggle not, burst not into guffaws
As the hands will tremble
And the mood will deviate and digress from
And the impression may not come to exactly.
You sit in the studio and give me time to make a portrait of yours,
To pencil it
The beautiful image of yours
Which I have captured in my heart
And which lies it unpainted,
Let me, let me paint and portray that
As I may not again.
You will remain in my memory as for always, isn’t it,
As the memories formed of you
Will not go so easily,
You are in mind stored and stored,
You are in my heart painted and hung
As there lie in my impressions, my sensations
And as thus go I making portraits,
An artistic masterpiece may I call it?
Art is for art’ sake, it’s good to say, but how difficult,
Is it to keep the paintings,
How difficult is it
To maintain them,
The portraits and clay models,
Isn’t it?
You just tell me,
Tell me, sir.

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