with your stinking ash-cart!
-if we were rich
we’d stick our chests out
and hold our heads high!
It is dreams that have destroyed us.
There is no more pride
in horses or in rein holding.
We sit hunched together brooding
our fate.
all things turn bitter in the end
whether you choose the right or
the left way
dreams are not a bad thing.
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When I am alone I am happy.
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The whole process is a lie,
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with your stinking ash-cart!
–if we were rich
we’d stick our chests out
and hold our heads high!
It is dreams that have destroyed us.
There is no more pride
in horses or in rein holding.
We sit hunched together brooding
our fate.
all things turn bitter in the end
whether you choose the right or
the left way
dreams are not a bad thing.
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girdle.(I’ll buyyou one) O.K.(I wishyou’d wig-gle that wayfor me,I’d bea happy man)I GOTTAwig-gle for this.(You pig)
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