why is it that you grew so big
and on your ears you wear a wig? ‘
And Corn looked down on Celery
and said ‘you little misery,
a Celery can never thrive
as long as Cornplants are alive.
You see, our blood is royal blue
which obviously is not true
of any of you little stalks
you are just fit to line the walks
of senior citizens with dog
who stumble over you in fog
there are some people who will eat
your roughhouse greens along with meat.
But we, who live in lofty heights
can reach up to the flying kites
we gently sway from side to side
and snooze inside our tough green hide.’
Just then a sudden gust of wind
came through and while the Cornear grinned
it lost its footing at the top
and had no choice then but to drop.
It fell down near the Celery,
had lost some kernels, bruised one knee
and overall felt pretty sore…
when from the woods a big brown boar
came by and picked right from the ground
the Cornear that he just had found.
The Celery was shaking wildly
the boar now did regard her mildly
but judged that such a tasteless thing
was not designed by God to bring
much sustenance for big strong beasts
he did prefer Fungi and Yeasts.
So off he went, all heard him grunt
but let me tell you, to be blunt
it often does not seem to matter
how high you are when you grow fatter
because when circumstances like
and small disasters come and strike
a Boar may come and chew you out
that’s what this life is all about.

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