At first he is quite confused by the crowd and noise, displays, carsand houses.
But then he suddenly stops and listens intensively to a noise and says to his friend: ‘Here crickets somewhere.. crickets’.
The friend laughs at him and replies: ‘In this city noise, he can not possibly hear a cricket? ? ‘
Undeterred, the Indian goes after the sound and finds a cricket in an old ivy-covered house behind the ivy banks.
His friend says: ‘You Indians have an excellent ear! ‘
‘No, ‘ says the Indian, ‘I’ll prove it to you’.
He lets a small cent coin fall on the asphalt, which makes ‘Kling’ and lo and behold – within a few meters, people turn around for the cent coin.
‘See! ! ! ‘ the Indian says to his friend, ‘it only depends on what we focus on.
The falling of the coin, and the clinging sound.. shows that people attend tothe sound of the coin, or said exactly, money is in their minds and they listen to the klinging sound ofthe littel coin that falls on the asphalt.
The red indian friend teaches the truth:
‘It only depends on what we focus on’.
What is my focus?
How do I think?
What are my priorities in life?

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