At the door, I find you leaning, and at the windows, I see you sitting near.
I keep running into you, in any street I take,
sweetheart, sweeter than the elixir of immortality!
At what auspicious hour did you stick to me like a bindi, O dark one?
Life of my life, I won’t forsake you even for a moment, my slim beloved!
When I prepare to eat, I find you close, and near bed as I prepare to sleep.
When I am on my way to Vrindavan, I find you embracing me!
At what auspicious hour did you stick to me like a bindi, O dark one?
Life of my life, I won’t forsake you even for a moment, my slim beloved!
`You are loved by Nanda’s child!’ my in-laws cruelly mock me.
When I go to fill water at the banks of Yamuna, you toy with my skirt!
At what auspicious hour did you stick to me like a bindi, O dark one?
Life of my life, I won’t forsake you even for a moment, my slim beloved!
How he loves to dog the ones he loves, my cherished connoisseur,
It is good to attain Narsaiyya’s lord; he occupies the lotus of my heart!
At what auspicious hour did you stick to me like a bindi, O dark one?
Life of my life, I won’t forsake you even for a moment, my slim beloved!

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