Taking sword in hand;
Light is fleeing raising its tail.
The decorated dream-city will lose its
Electricity for ever;
In all directions, the slogan of hyenas
Will be heard only.
Going to the shade of Bodhi Tree,
I asked Gautama Buddha,
‘By tasting which poisonous fruit,
Have your disciplesbecome insane
And have been involved in massacre
In Myanmar? ‘
Hanging his head, said Gautama, ‘Darkness.’
Going to Bethlehem, I asked Jesus Christ,
‘By drinking which grape-juice,
Have your disciples become insane
And have been involved in massacre in Mosul,
Baghdad and Syria singing of democracy? ‘
Hanging his head, said Jesus, ‘Darkness.’
Going to the holy home of Moses,
I bowed down my head and said, ‘Would you
Tell me, by eating which Manna and Salwa
Your disciples have become insane
and have been involved in killing children
and women in holy Palestine? ‘
Hanging his head, said Moses, ‘Darkness.’
Going to Mathura city, I said to Lord Krishna,
‘Please tell me, by eating which food
Offering to deity, your disciples have become
Insane and have been involved in massacre
In Kashmir, Delhi and Gujarat? ‘
Hanging his head, said Krishna, ‘Darkness.’
Darkness like Halagu Khan is running
Taking sword in hand;
Light is fleeing raising its tail.
Again the days ofdarkness have descended on earth.
I have been searching Abdul-Muttalib’s son
Abdullah’s house in Pharaoh’s city—
In such a thick darkness, no doubt,
The Sun of the desert had risen
in the lap of Amina!

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