Still he equated human being
As masters of all wills and kings
He wanted it to be right
So he started not to fight
But convinced with bare facts
About the importance to act
He will not lecture
About morality but make it sure
That people at least should observe
With some decency to server
He was considered as crack
But he was on right track
He had nothing at stake
But was subjected to cruel joke
Not all people may want to prefer
To be right thinking person and refer
To him for all kinds of confusion
He may readily advance with fresh infusion
Where will you find such person?
No where as it is imagery man
How come such person can exist even!
If he exists then he will be surely driven away
There is no cause to worry
We all feel same with sorry
Curse the system and create topic
Advocate the cause to be pursued with stick
No, it can’t be done in civilized manner
As we live in peacefully there
We want no disturbance
Even if life is hell at once
We are used to some of the happenings
Bribery and corruption is our doing
We get work done by paying under table
Then how can we talk of serious struggle?

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