Only in my mind I am told.
And that seems to be aging rapidly!
As a glowing youth…
Dims to be conquered,
By an aging truth!
Overnight it seems.
Although many may refuse to agree with me.
Those into appearances and physicalities!
I am not one to be talking about looks…
But let me say this,
No pages flipped through books
Prepares anyone for the stages of aging.
Or when to apply a night cheek lift!
To become disappointed with the results,
That sit unresisting to stay for a long visit!
Compliments on maintaining a youthfulness,
Stirs those in doubt about what is really meant…
By those unsolicited comments sent!
But pleased to get them without resentment.
There are those who may defy this process.
But when it noticibly starts…
A feeling of achievement begins to arrive,
Or a time gone by so quickly is realized!
Which gets many into denial fits!
Horrified that the time has come…
And that they too can not escape from this!
When a passing glance in a mirror,
Becomes a lingering stare…
What is seen is obvious.
And we all must become aware…
An aging has taken place,
To stay on one’s face…
Not to go anywhere,
But to etch and trace.
Hopefully some allow…
And undergo with grace.
That’s the reality of these stages we go through!
At least ‘some’ do.
The ones who are not moisturizing…
To rid a wrinkle,
Or two.
Those of us who make a fuss,
About a delayed aging process ordered…
Taking too long to come and is much overdue!
A special delivery was paid to insure a rush!
To subdue those lines that accrue…
With the stages of age some welcome unphased!
Praying this amazement of a quick aging,
Fades away!

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I’ve come equipped with a flashlight,
If you noticed.
I’ve already been blinded by that kind of love before.
And I am not here to donate for charity purposes.
Or be driven crazed by good booty!
Those goo goo gah gah eye days are gone.
I may gah a little goo with you,
But I am strickly business…
When it comes to affairs of the heart.
You may be seeking a friend with fringe benefits.
Who knows?
But for me…
I want to see your medical history,
Attached with a footprint proving your birth!
Dated and when the event happened.
As well as some ancestral documentation.
Only then,
Can you have all the love from me you want!

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