Save me, save me from
Indian Shakespeare,
Indian Milton,
Indian Donne,
Indian Wordsworth,
Indian Keats,
Indian Coleridge,
Indian Arnold,
Indian Tennyson,
Indian Eliot,
Everything but Indian.
English not, but Indic,
Indian poets,
Indian non-poets, commoners, poetasters, rhymers,
I mean poetrywallahs
Speaking Hindustani English,
Hindustani in manner, behaviour and attire,
Speaking English like some Hindustani dialect.
My God, they are coming, coming,
Let me, let me hide in,
The poetrywallahs,
Asking to call them poets,
The great poets of India,
English posts of India.

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Then all, love, mind.

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For His creations
And creatures, good.
RARe Stanza:
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
6 Lines Poem ─
Syllables Meter: 1-1-1-1-4-4
Rhyme Scheme: aabbca; ababca; aaaaba.
RARe Stanza refers Right Angle Reza Stanza.
Geometric Theoretical Explanation of ‘RARe Stanza’
The 1st 4 (1-1-1-1) lines stand on the last 2 (4-4) lines,
At the joining point, line No. 4 and 5 there the 90º angle is generated;
The 90º angle is known as Right Angle in Geometry.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza │ 12 June, 2018

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from believers
or unbelievers
(though for different reasons)
but just imagine
how He must feel
when, having created
all the glorious,
(He has a sense of humour surely)
multitude of species,
mankind just knocks them off one by one,
I mean, just imagine having all those extinct species
in your Mind,
sketches, working models, problems resolved,
fine tuning, (er, evolution in later versions?)
but no longer there for all to see
and sometimes laugh
despite the fact that
they themselves don’t see the joke, and live OK thanks very much…
it would try the patience of a saint
as they say

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Rescue me in my peril.
I live in darkness and gloom,
I feel I am bound in chains.
I was proud.
You humbled my heart through hardships.
In my distress I cry to you.
Break my chains asunder.
Speak to me your loving word,
to heal my heart and soul.
I shall praise the wonders of God
in the barren desert
Calm the storm wind in me.
Hush the storm to a murmur.
You who can change the rivers into desert,
change my desert into pools of water.
(This was published in Poetfreak under the name of Genovamaaa. Genova was my beloved mother. She died at the young age of 38. I want to keep her name alive as long as I am alive) .

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parting the fibres of my being
to penetrate the marrow
of my substance.
In the moments of darkness
help me to know this.
Enlivened by the power of the Spirit,
I keep moving, although the pace is slow,
moving through the dark,
fuelled by hope.

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to the inner mount,
to the inner cave
where you will talk to me
in the ears of my heart.

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‘I am the Almighty God’ (Genesis 17: 1) .
God is all-powerful
Hedoes all that He wills;
and this He can do as He wills,
when He wills, without any limitations.
‘Whatsoever the Lord pleased,
He hath done, in heaven, in the earth,
in the sea, and in all the deeps’ (Psalm 135: 6) .
Nothing can impede His action,
nor oppose His will;
nothing is difficult to Him.
Our works, even the simplest,
require time and fatigue.
God’s works, even the greatest,
are performed in one instant
by a simple act of His will.
With a single word„fiat’
He has brought all things
out of nothing:
let it be! ! !
Light, the heavens,
the earth, the seas,
and the whole
universe were made.
(Graphic: Hand from Heaven stock image. Image of gesturing, light – 28902903
Photo about A helping hand that comes from heaven on bright blue sky background. Image of gesturing, light, child – 28902903)

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the dew away
from the grass
and from our hearts.
What comes out of us,
what is around us
this morning,
is our thanks.
Yes Almighty Father,
I’m happy this morning!

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hand you come,
bless you now.
He’ll let you thrive
and grow in
body and soul.
He will protect you
from fear and danger
and all bad happenings.

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We know both,
But we,
As with All
We touch,
Try to destroy
That should be honored
And loved, so much!

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