Your face reveals
And makes you to feel
Yes, it can be shared
And defined too
Not material gain alone
But show it whenever you are chosen
It is double aged weapon
Try not to show it in open
But declare when it is necessary
It shall never be appreciated by an adversary
If you are fortunate
Go and relate
With friends or poor
Instead of lying on the floor
It can be personal achievement too
You have made it through self contentment
You are happy with whatever you have
It can be seen with your turnout when behave publically

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And the kids shouldn’t move back home for
more than a year,
And not being audited, overdrawn, in Wilkes-Barre,
in a lawsuit or in traction.
Is falling asleep without Valium,
And having two breasts to put in my brassiere,
And not (yet) needing to get my blood pressure lowered,
my eyelids raised or a second opinion.
And on Saturday nights
When my husband and I have rented
Something with Fred Astaire for the VCR,
And we’re sitting around in our robes discussing,
The state of the world, back exercises, our Keoghs,
And whether to fix the transmission or buy a new car,
And we’re eating a pint of rum-raisin ice cream
on the grounds that
Tomorrow we’re starting a diet of fish, fruit and grain,
And my dad’s in Miami dating a very nice widow,
And no one we love is in serious trouble or pain,
And our bringing-up-baby days are far behind us,
But our senior-citizen days have not begun,
It’s not what I called happiness
When I was twenty-one,
But it’s turning out to be
What happiness is.

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A moment of joy,
A ship leaving port.
Will it return?
Or just as a thought,
A memory vague,
That cannot be bought.

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Where love has begun,
So dreams can be sung
Out loud.

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Of pure delight,
When lovers meet,
A flaming light,
A moment swift,
That thrills the heart,
Lasts a few seconds,
Then, we must part.
Forbidden Fruit,
Happiness Is,
The smallest taste,
Then all amiss,
True love is short,
May not exist,
And still we dream,
Of hidden bliss.

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Just together,
Life is grand
Looking into eyes that say
I am with you, now, today
In a dream world made for two,
So in love am I with you.
Love like this is Happiness,
All I want,
Not more nor less.

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