One would believe that there were never heroines
And that women not important after all? .
But through the ages many noble females
From Joan of Arc to Florence Nightingale
And Gladys Aylward the English missionary in China
Succeeded where the bravest men might fail.
How come we hear about the heroic soldier
His glory lives on with us through the years
But never any word of his brave mother
Who once changed his diaper and wiped away his tears? .
We hear about the great and sporting hero
For sports can often be a macho thing
The player who kicks the goal that wins the final
To the overjoyed club fans is their king.
But it’s so much harder to become a heroine
And a woman must strive harder for acclaim
For centuries women looked on as inferior
And for them it’s still a steeper climb to fame.
How come it always is the sporting hero
Or the soldier who shows courage under fire?
But give me a noble and a gutsy woman
And i will say here is one i admire.

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