To unite for world peace and harmony under a roof
Each one lives to be in to promote friendship unique!
Universal brotherhood, love, friendship and harmony
Give great chance for bringing peace to the world of
Constant chaos due to various causes and reasons ever
Remaining unsolved for long by differences of opinions!
Opinions vary according to the experiences of each one
Differing with one another on various matters of world
Affairs wanting love of heart to look for change to bring
About peace and harmony among all sections of people!
The voluntary willingness of people only paves the way
To create opportunities and enlarge scope for play quite
Broad and high and everlasting kind of good relationship
That helps to forget differences to come together for peace!
Universal peace and harmony are possible to happen only
When all minds, hearts and souls love all for unity and joy
To take lion’s share against all odds obstructing all routes
Towards union and love for eternal peace for all to enjoy long!
Only the unacknowledged legislators of the world whom we
All call as world poets having easy access to unite with hearts
Having same kind of feeling of love to promote world peace,
Love and harmony can create one world for all to live in bliss!

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