Love means
Not only singing love song
Loving beloved, lovers
And several regions,
Love means respect
Love means honor
Love means save
Love means help,
Love means
Loving self
Loving dear
Loving near,
Loving mankind
Loving nature
Loving creations
Loving creatures,
Loving Creator
Loving all that good
And loving more
What not.

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A sweet dawn of desire,
A dark star dipped in
The brown aftermath
Of sexless nights
Touching all the
Intimate limbs and
Untouched corners
Of loving Souls,
Of caring hearts,
Of holding hands
On the huge shore
Of Sand less Ocean
Of lonely time
Sleeping half awake
On the soft bosoms
Of twisted Space.

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That brews youth
In an age old skin,
That builds faith
In roads dry and even,
That fills hope
In deserted heart for rain,
That pours dream
In skinny nights and sleepless men.

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The watering lips,
The flickering eyelids,
The fingering looks,
The embracing hearts abreast-
In the morning dew,
In the tiring youth,
In the frightening heart,
A vibration anew, afresh,
A rainbow in the afternoon
When sex is seldom seen! !

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Dipped in
The fragrance
Of the cool summer breeze-
That has never touched
A virgin bosom,
That has never kissed
The virgin lips,
But has blown right through
The night dark hairs,
And the dream lorn eyebrows
Of the Mermaid
Who sleeps
Half a moment
On the lap of her love and
The other half
On the pyre of her lover’s
Bed of dreams.

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Unstoppable, always
Journeying onwards,
Needing closeness, never! !
A rare sky of stars-
Shining ever,
Possessed never,
Welding lone souls,
Weaving lone hearts
Into a strange world
Of endless separation
And mouthful anonymity.

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Behind the dark veils
Of the passionate clouds,
Below the bed of dry leaves
Fallen off the forest of youth,
Between the twin bosoms
Of the lonely motherhood,
Before the Sun of desire rises
And lust grips the kissing couples.

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As the evening sky
Pregnant with the dozing Sun,
Licks the naughty Shores,
With the tongue of
The wicked sea breeze
Touches sensually
Deep under the
Blanket of shy virgin skin,
As the mesmerized moon
Forgets to rise
Above the zenith
Lip locked with the white
Rising tides in the horizon.

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Brewn with eros,
For a loving heart,
Bathed with philia
For a holding hand,
Clad with lust
For a warming call,
Filled with agape
For a kissing soul.

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Pairs of distant souls together.
A fragrant glue, sticking
To both the ends of the world.
A silent path, bridging
The gaps of loving hearts.
And a crime, killing
Every probable existence of hatred anywhere!

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Rung at the midnight hours
At distances unknown
When lovers are away,
And skylarks cry
With words meaningful
Soaked with rains of separation,
And lyrics of unsung songs,
That awakens the Princess
Newly wedded, on her
Nuptial bed to gather
Her shy inner wares back
In place.

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The lips—
Red with desire,
Green with emotions,
Saphron with passion,
Bright with smiles,
Dark with the lust,
Warm as the days,
Cold as the nights,
Blue as the sky
With white clouds that fly.

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