for perfect union with God.
The symbol evokes
our true identity.
Our union with God
is our person, it is who
WE ARE, and not any
‘thing’, we know.
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Realize your worth.
thanyou thinkor ever imagine.You are divine.Divinty sleeps in you.
to the inner mount,to the inner cavewhere you will talk to mein the ears of my heart.
God’s wondrous ways
to asking and seeking.They send us on a questto discover his depthsof wisdom, knowledgeand ever loving heart.It’s not somethingwe observeto gaze uponHis wonder,but it calls usonward,intoHis purposesand essence.
The separate entity
disappears and nothingseems to be leftbut a pure freedomindistinguishablefrom infinite Freedom,love identified with Love.
Self-image helps to
How we see ourselvesseriously affectour own feelingabout ourselves.Self-esteem goes deeperthan self-image.Self-esteem is thesense of respectfor ourselves.A negative self-imagecan certainly influenceself-esteem, and havinglow self-esteem is likelyto be accompanied bya negative self-image.
We experience today
Through such andisenchantment,philosophy seemstocome tobe stripped of itsnormative dimensionin relation to the world.Such a world mightcontain values,questioning howobjective valuescould relate toor coexist withthose characteristicsrevealed by moderndisenchanting science.
for perfect union with God.
The symbol evokes
our true identity.
Our union with God
is our person.
It is who ‘we are’
and not any ‘thing’ we know.
It is precisely our identity
that emerges from our
false self or from all that
we supposed that we were.
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My being is given to me
and inscrutable affliction,but as a source of joy, growth, life.
When the people
more realitythe more theyknow God,and the morethey detestthe flesh andlove the truth;and peoplebecomecloserto God andthey come tothe standardsof God’s requirements.
It is not the possession
As long as there is an ‘I’that is the definite subjectof a contemplative experience,an ‘ l’ that is aware of itselfand its contemplation,an ‘ l’ that can possessa certain ‘degree of spirituality’,then we have not yet passedover the ‘Red Sea’,we have not yet ‘gone out of Egypt’.We remain in the realmof multiplicity, activity,incompleteness,striving and desire.
We grow toward
of universal man.We are witnessing the growthof a truly universal consciousnessin the modern world.This universal consciousnessmay be a consciousnessof transcendent freedom and vision.
Our culture
cheap, and easyroads thatlead to life.Yet Jesus is clear:Don’t look forshortcuts to God.The market isflooded with surefire,easygoing formulasfor a successful lifethat can be practicedin your spare time.Don’t fall forthat stuff, eventhough crowdsof people do.The way to lifeto God isvigorous andrequires totalattention.(Cfr.Matt.6: 13of the New Testament) .
You cannot develop
if you are an unhappyfailure type person.By pure self willor arbitrarilydeciding tobecome a newperson, youwill not achieve it.There should besome justificationwhich tells youthat your oldself image is wrongand a new pictureis needed to developa new self image.