Happy! Me, my earth and my solar system,
Is not even a point still magnificent!
When I think of endless space,
I see universe is an irregular geometric shape,
Not interested where is its center of gravity?
Do not regret if I am a product of nature’s rape.
Proud that man, the ugly child of nature,
Has coated this rape with love the soluble sugar,
His tears have dissolved it and the drink,
Ecstatic! Hope the sun will change this wine in vinegar.
So is the limitlessness of time,
What if life on earth has a limit?
Happy! I shall make room for better humans,
More intelligent and more fit!
I am capable and I can hit the asteroids,
My descendants may crash the black hole too old,
No wonder, if a new universe is created,
No surprise, a new earth with a clay of gold!
My hope, I am a new and handsome man,
My dreams, my head on the thighs of the new fairies,
My poetry, colorful with the colors I had never seen,
My expectations, with the closed eyes I view fairies!