And free of fear, powerful and truly brave
He would give his life for to protect Lin and Dave.
And as Dave might say for a few pats and good feed
Their dog will give them all the protection they need
And in their home they can live free of fear
What man in his right mind would venture near?
One word from them would send him on the attack
And who could withstand the great strength of Zac
And all unwelcome sorts from their house keep away
I think I’d rather face Mike Tyson than Zac any day.
He shares with them his love and company
And he affords them protection and his loyalty
And in return they treat their dog as family
For they don’t have a truer friend than he.
A man may well lose the love of his wife
But his dog is faithful to him all his life
And Zac the huge rottweiler fits that bill
For to protect his masters he would die or kill.

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