announcements were made,
the flight is about to take off,
a passenger is still missing,
I listened to a voice,
a familiar voice,
‘Don’t go sweet heart,
how shall I live,
loneliness will kill me,
several times in a life,
I don’t want to be killed,
I lived with you,
I shall die with you,
but once only.’
Beyond the oceans,
the pilot smiled,
within twinkling of an eye,
when I opened my eyes,
I saw a jet white bird,
flying high, too high,
with a vacant seat,
I turned my back to it,
and I was right.
I can still love,
and she is with me,
it’s not the last flight,
once I go I shall never come back,
so let me live as long as I can,
and let me collect
a few more pearls of love.
(My feelings when I came in my senses after a heart attack)

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