when suddenly comes to know about a mis-happening,
in his lovely family,
his blocked arteries are contracted,
his blood pressure is increased even more,
he is mentally and physically shocked,
the ignorant loved ones do not know,
he is more closed to a second and fatal heart attack.
Why don’t they let him know at once,
when the mis-happening takes place,
he still has courage to share it.
Why the loved ones are not benefited,
by his experiences of life,
starting from Allied Forces’ nuclear attack on Japan,
problems of Korea and Vietnam,
and the issue of Cuba,
when world was close to a nuclear war.
Attack of western forces on Egypt for control of Suez Canal,
integration of Vietnam and Germany,
disintegration of Soviet Union,
independence of Muslim states of central Asia.
India China war of early sixties,
India Pakistan wars creating Bangla Desh.
He has seen how issues arise
and how the issues are resolved.
If there is a small issue in the family,
let him know at once,
he will suggest how the issue can be resolved
in a pleasant manner..
But you let him know when the issue is over
and resolved in an unpleasant manner.
Trust him.
Could you let him share all but well in time!

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