His party days long over his legs feel tired and slow
He too enjoyed his glory days some fifty years ago.
The young man he plays football and enjoys going for fast drives in his car
And he loves the weekend drinking sessions with his young mates in the Public bar,
The old man sits at home watching t v with his devoted wife
The years have sapped their energy one might say such is life.
The young man he goes surfing when the waves are rolling high
As he rides a big one to the beach he whoops alound in joy
The old man in the lounge room dozes on the sofa whilst his wife in the kitchen cooks tea
One might say a mere shadow of the man he used to be.
The young man before breakfast out in the early sun
He sprints back home scarce out of breath after a five mile run
The old man he sleeps in late sometimes till after ten
The young burn off their excess energy and rest is good for tired old men.

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